Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies of 46 patients with West synd
rome (WS) of unknown etiology were reviewed retrospectively. The crite
ria for cryptogenic WS were met by 25 and 21 were considered symptomat
ic because other types of seizure or psychomotor retardation were appa
rent before spasm onset. Computed tomographic (CT) scans were normal i
n 38 patients and showed diffuse atrophy in eight symptomatic patients
. In five patients, MRI was more informative than CT, demonstrating on
e case of delayed myelination and four cases of focal lesion. The foca
l lesion in 2 of these patients was similar on MRI consisting of poor
gray-white matter demarcation in the parieto-occipitotemporal region.
Surgical resection was performed in one because of intractable seizure
s, and neuropathological examination revealed cortical dysplasia. The
remaining two cases with focal lesion had increased signal intensity o
n T2-weighted images in the posterior frontal cortex and in the tempor
al lobe, respectively. Our data indicate that MRI is useful in some ca
ses of WS, especially in demonstrating focal corticosubcortical lesion
s not visible on CT scan