The electronic properties of a quasiperiodic one-dimensional chain wit
h a Fibonacci-sequence of atomic sites are studied with a modified Su-
Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model. The optimal geometrical structure is ca
lculated automatically by means of the forces. In order to quantify th
e localization/delocalization of the electronic orbitals we define a d
egree of localization based on an autocorrelation function. Our main i
nterest is the differences in the electronic properties between a neut
ral and a doped system. It is demonstrated that, if the system is rigi
d enough, the degree of the localization and the total density of the
states (DOS) are relatively insensitive to the site-relaxation caused
by doping. Furthermore, the unoccupied states of a neutral system have
the tendency to be more localized after doping. If the system is more
flexible the self-similar structure of the DOS is disturbed and there
is a larger difference in the studied properties.