Quaternary deposits, found only in isolated basins behind the main gre
at Himalayan crest-line and along the courses of the main rivers, are
preserved only in isolated structural depressions scoured by valley gl
aciers because of rapid Quaternary uplift and attendant erosion. The E
arly Quaternary deposits rest unconformably on basement and are preser
ved only in the Chilas and Skardu areas of Baltistan, where they consi
st of a basal till overlain by fining upwards valley fill sequences. P
alaeomagnetic reversal correlation suggests an earliest Pleistocene ag
e. The Middle Pleistocene deposits seem to be abs-ent. The early Pleis
tocene (or pre-Quaternary) is overlain at Leh and elsewhere, by a comp
lex of tills and terraces associated with possibly the last three main
glacial phases of the Late Pleistocene. The Quaternary events cannot
ordinarily be disentangled from earlier Pleistocene events. Correlatio
n is very difficult due to the isolation of most exposures and the lac
k of dateable sections.