Data from monitoring projects often include sampling or analytical cha
nges that preclude trend analysis on the entire period of record. A mo
dification of the nonparametric Kendall's test for monotonic trends, w
hich accounts for such changes in the period of record, is described h
ere. This approach blocks the data so that only data collected or anal
yzed under similar circumstances are compared. Alternatively, when app
ropriate data exist, data collected using the old method may be calibr
ated to values expected from the new method. Traditional trend tests m
ay then be applied to resulting data sets. Results from simulations as
sessing both the power of the blocked test and the standard test perfo
rmed on calibrated data are presented. The power of the blocked test e
xceeded the power of the calibration approach only when the calibratio
n error was extremely large. Both the blocking and calibration approac
hes were applied to and compared for chemical data from Vermont lakes.