S. Erhan, REPORT OF THE WORKING GROUP ON B-]PI- DECAY MODE(PI), Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 333(1), 1993, pp. 213-218
The standard model explanation of the CP violation can be tested by ve
rifying the consistency of the unitarity relation. Although one of the
angles of the unitarity triangle (sin 2beta) can be measured in gener
al purpose experiments, the other angles and/or sides can only be meas
ured in dedicated B experiments, which are capable of accumulating lar
ge samples of reconstructed exclusive B-meson decays with good measure
ment of proper time, mass and initial flavor. Using Monte Carlo techni
ques, the performance of two such detectors for measuring CP violation
in B-->pi+pi- decays has been compared.