L. Buermann et al., RESPONSE OF NE213 LIQUID SCINTILLATION DETECTORS TO HIGH-ENERGY PHOTONS (E-GAMMA-GREATER-THAN 3 MEV), Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 332(3), 1993, pp. 483-492
Three different liquid scintillation detectors NE213 with volumes vary
ing by a factor of 32 were investigated for their response to high-ene
rgy photons. Experimental data were taken in the 4.44 MeV and 6-7 MeV
calibration fields at the PTB accelerator facility. Comparison with re
sponse functions simulated with the EGS4 code including the PRESTA rou
tine showed excellent agreement in shape, indicating that the wall eff
ects which strongly increase with the increasing photon energy and dec
reasing dimensions of the detector are properly taken into account. Th
e photon fluence determined on the basis of these calculations agreed
reasonably well with the reference data obtained with a calibrated Ge
detector. In addition, a significant nonlinearity of the light output
as a function of the energy deposited was observed for all detector si
zes, and in future this should be included in the calculations. Furthe
r investigations are required for even higher photon energies.