The relevance of side-locked unilateral pain (with no side shift) in d
iagnosing and differentiating primary long-lasting cephalgias such as
tension headache and migraine is not clear. In the present study we ha
ve retrospectively examined the frequency of side-locked unilaterality
in 1169 primary headache outpatients, whose pain duration was more th
an four hours. The cases were migraine (66%), tension-type headache (2
1%) and non-classifiable headache and atypical facial pain (not well d
efined headaches) (13%). The occurrence of side-locked unilateral pain
was more frequent in migraine (17%) than tension headache (4%). Howev
er side-locked pain was found to be more frequent in patients with not
-well-defined head pain (28%). Of the 1169 patients, 181 (15%) had sid
e-locked unilateral pain: 70% of the 181 had migraine, 25% were not-we
ll-defined head pain cases and 5% were tension-type headache cases. Th
e high percentage of migraine cases in the side-locked unilateral grou
p reflects the high proportion of migraine patients in the studied pop