Casts of the palate of 138 male and 25 female negroes from Kenya as we
ll as those of 110 male !Kung San from Namibia are examined by a modif
ied version of Reuer's method with regard to their quantitative and qu
alitative characters in order to achieve a better differentiation of t
he two racial types in this trait system. Contrary to the relatively w
eak sexual dimorphism within the negroe sample, the metrical character
s showed marked racial differences, a relevant discriminant function b
ased on three measures only is published. The male negroe probands in
nearly all quantitative characters surpass the !Kung San men, as far a
s the qualitative characters are concerned the results are more hetero
genous. Compared with the negroes the !Kung San men show shorter and l
ower palates, a mostly concave palatal profile, a significantly more c
omplex ridge pattern, a greater height of the ridges and a small, freq
uently round Papilla incisiva. This trait combination morphogeneticall
y may be determinated to a great extent by the small stature of the Sa
n and should be evaluated within the framework of the general pedomorp
hy of the San.