Md. Hornbostel et al., RATIONAL SYNTHESIS OF METASTABLE SKUTTERUDITE COMPOUNDS USING MULTILAYER PRECURSORS, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 119(11), 1997, pp. 2665-2668
A new metastable binary compound and a series of new, metastable terna
ry crystalline compounds with the skutterudite crystal structure have
been prepared through controlled crystallization of amorphous reaction
intermediates formed by low-temperature interdiffusion of modulated e
lemental reactants. Discussed in this paper are La1-xFe4Sb12, FeSb3, H
f1-xFe4Sb12, and Y1-xFe4Sb12. The amorphous reaction intermediate for
each system crystallizes exothermically near 200 degrees C forming the
desired skutterudite structure. At temperatures above 500 degrees C,
they decompose exothermically forming a thermodynamically more stable
mixture of binary compounds and elemental components. We propose that
the desired compounds nucleate from the amorphous precursor because sl
ow solid state diffusion rates hinder disproportionation into the more
stable mix of binary compounds and elements. This general synthetic a
pproach to prepare new metastable compounds gives control of both the
composition and structure of the product compounds.