Kj. Miller et al., SOLUBILITY AND IN-VITRO PERCUTANEOUS-ABSORPTION OF TETRACAINE FROM SOLVENTS OF PROPYLENE-GLYCOL AND SALINE, International journal of pharmaceutics, 98(1-3), 1993, pp. 101-111
Citations number
Categorie Soggetti
Pharmacology & Pharmacy
ISSN journal
Year of publication
101 - 111
SICI code
To gain a better understanding of the factors that govern the percutan eous penetration of topically applied local anesthetics, several prope rties of a proposed topical formulation of tetracaine were studied. Te tracaine solubility in propylene glycol-saline mixtures is measured fo r use in developing a topical, local anesthetic formulation. Solubilit ies of tetracaine free base, tetracaine acid salt, and a 60% free base /40% acid salt mixture are presented as a function of water and propyl ene glycol content. The solubility of the acid salt remains nearly con stant (0.5-0.8 M) as the solvent varies from pure propylene glycol to pure saline. Free base solubility is negligible in saline, but peaks a t 2.65 M in 70% propylene glycol (v/v) before falling to 2.17 M in pur e propylene glycol. The solubility of the mixture exceeds those of eit her the free base or acid salt alone at nearly all solvent combination s (maximum 3.00 M in 50% propylene glycol v/v). This increased solubil ity is attributed to the degree of dissociation and differences in the surface activity of tetracaine free base and tetracaine acid salt. Pa rtitioning data of a 60% free base/40% acid salt (w/w) mixture (7.3 le ss-than-or-equal-to pH less-than-or-equal-to 8.4) into I-octanol or n- octane are presented as a function of water and propylene glycol ratio . The results from the two lipophilic solvents are in general agreemen t and suggest that partitioning into lipid phases is optimum between 0 and 30% propylene glycol (v/v). The diffusion of tetracaine mixtures (60% free base/40% acid salt w/w) in solvents of propylene glycol and saline was studied through synthetic polycarbonate membranes and hairl ess-mouse skin. The flux of tetracaine through the synthetic membrane was greatest from an aqueous solution, but also showed a local maximum at 40% propylene glycol. The flux continued to decrease as propylene glycol content increased. Wetting phenomena were assumed to be respons ible for the maximum flux at the aqueous limit. The flux of tetracaine through hairless-mouse skin was greatest at 40% propylene glycol, but also showed a high flux at 10% propylene glycol. As with the syntheti c membrane, the flux continued to decrease as the propylene glycol con tent rose to 70% (v/v). The effects of animal age, formulation pH, dru g concentration, and formaldehyde (as a preservative) on tetracaine di ffusion from solvents of propylene glycol and saline were also studied . The permeability of full-thickness hairless-mouse skin to tetracaine was found to decrease with the age of the mice. Specifically, the ski ns of mice 6-8 months old are found to have a permeability to tetracai ne of only 20% that of mice 6-8 weeks old. The existence of a minimum pH for significant skin permeation of tetracaine is confirmed. A minim um pH value is consistent with the generally accepted idea that the an esthetic free base (favored at higher pH values) is the prominent spec ies diffusing through the skin. Tetracaine concentration does not affe ct its transdermal flux. This is assumed to be a micellar phenomenon s ince tetracaine has previously been shown to be capable of forming mic elles which are not assumed to contribute significantly to drug diffus ion because of their size. Dilute solutions of formaldehyde (sometimes used as a preservative for in vitro skin permeation experiments) show a tendency to decrease the skin flux permeation of tetracaine. Furthe rmore, this inhibition seems to be a result of an interaction between formaldehyde and the skin.