Background - The considerable heterogeneity of carbohydrate expression
is well documented in malignant disease. Although some studies have c
ompared lectin binding patterns of primary breast tumours and local ly
mph node metastases they have shown conflicting results. There is clea
rly a need for further study in the assessment of the carbohydrate phe
notype, as determined by lectins, to assess the significance of any di
fferences observed and their implications for glycoconjugate interacti
ons in metastatic tumour cell behaviour. Methods - The carbohydrate ph
enotypic profiles of 36 primary breast tumours and their corresponding
axillary lymph node metastases were assessed with five lectins (WGA,
PNA, LTA, UEA I, and HPA) and three antisera (HMFG 2, LU-BCRU-G7, and
P5252), using an immunohistochemical approach. Results - There was alm
ost complete homogeneity in the phenotypic carbohydrate expression bet
ween individual primary tumours and their corresponding lymph node met
astases in over 79% of those cases studied. The murine monoclonal anti
body LU-BCRU-G7 was the only reagent in this study which showed a majo
rity of cases (59%) as having quantitative differences in reactivity b
etween the primary tumour and lymph node metastasis. Conclusions - The
se findings suggest that at this stage of metastasis more subtle chang
es in individual glycoconjugates are responsible for subsequent metast
atic cell behaviour, rather than the widespread group changes that are
usually detected by lectins. The profiles observed for the fucose-bin
ding lectin LTA and the anti-fucosylated glycoprotein antibody LU-BCRU
-G7, further suggest that fucosylation may be a factor in metastatic c
ell behaviour.