Management plans, policies and decisions must fit the given stage of s
ocietal evolution. A good policy (e.g.) at a time of innovation in a K
ondratiev or hegemonic cycle/structure may be a counterintuitively bad
and dangerous policy at a time of saturation and exhaustion of ideas.
The nature of the Kondratiev and hegemonic cycles/ structures is furt
her examined from the perspective of the life cycle of collective inte
lligence and knowledge. Effective intelligence and knowledge are thems
elves considered to be evolving macrostructures; a view much different
from both the Shannon-Weaver and computer-science perspectives, but a
view much more consonant with modem dynamic systems theory. Some unto
ward experiences with the use of models in energy management during th
e falling leg of Kondratiev Number Four are noted. The origin and exha
ustion of contemporary problemsolving approaches are discussed from a
theoretical perspective and some thoughts on a possible fifth Kondrati
ev recovery given. In conclusion, the main theory is synopsized and so
me brief recommendations made for further thinking about operational r
esearch modeling.