We implemented a one-year program to promote mammography for employees
at one campus of a state university system; a second campus served as
a comparison site. Measurement cohorts, who were surveyed immediately
before and after the intervention, had been randomly selected at each
site; all of the subjects had insurance coverage that included mammog
raphic screening. The intervention consisted of print media, on-site w
orkshops, and incentive drawings. Results indicated that mammography r
ates increased significantly at both sites, for both those 40-49 years
of age and for those -50 years of age. The rate increases for the 40-
to 49-year-old age group at the intervention and control sites were 1
7.6% and 13.6%, respectively, and, for the greater-than-or-equal-to 50
-year-old age group, 11.9% and 6.3%. However, the differential changes
in rates the sites were not significant for either age category. The
intervention was perceived positively by the intervention site cohort,
and Participation in the various components was encouraging. We prese
nt suggestions for future research on this topic.