Several future Navy combat systems under development require efficient
delivery of high power microwave energy from remote transmitters to a
rray antennas. To achieve this requirement, a family of microwave comp
onents has been developed and tested. Progress is described in the des
ign and testing of an overmoded circular TE01 mode waveguide applicabl
e to special shipboard needs. Because such a waveguide had originally
been developed for low power millimeter band trunkline communications
between cities, new theoretical, design, and fabrication techniques ha
d to be developed to meet our specific performance requirements. Moreo
ver, in order to fulfill the combat system requirements, the waveguide
would have to withstand harsh military requirements. Over several yea
rs the obstacles to the application of overmoded technology to Navy co
mbat systems have been systematically eliminated. The effort has resul
ted in the invention of several new components, the development and va
lidation of a new computer aided design package, and the implementatio
n of new microwave measurement techniques. The first application of an
overmoded waveguide to a combat system element was recently achieved
in the successful demonstration of the prototype Cooperative Engagemen
t Capability, and steps toward a production military version of the wa
veguide have been initiated.