A deficiency in the observed abundances of C2 and CN in comet Yanaka (
1988r) is explained in terms of the properties of its organic refracto
ry dust component and the fact that it is a new comet. Because the maj
or fraction of the carbon in comets is in a mixture of complex organic
molecules which earlier explained the ''missing'' carbon mystery it i
s shown that substantial carbon depletions are impossible. The low C2
and CN production rates may be understood as consequences of Yanaka (1
988r) being a new comet in combination with the small central area of
coma observed. The surface of new comets resulting from cosmic-ray pro
cessing in the Oort cloud gives rise to dust which is relatively nonfr
agile and which remains relatively large and cool within the limits of
a small diaphragm making the comet appear to be dust poor. This dust
yields smaller abundances of carbon-rich species by evaporation than c
ustomary for the smaller and hotter fragmented particles further out i
n the coma.