Nineteen patients with confirmed tubal pregnancy and constant or risin
g plasma beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (beta-hCG) levels were trea
ted with laparoscopically guided injection of prostaglandin F2alpha in
to the oviduct. Fifteen patients received additional prostaglandin E2
during three consecutive postoperative days. One patient was excluded
from the study. The treatment was defined as successful when plasma be
ta-hCG levels declined below the lower detection limit and no further
intervention other than prostaglandin application was required. The tr
eatment was successful in 12 patients (66.7%). Given a beta-hCG level
greater than 2,500 mU/mL as an exclusion criterion for treatment with
prostaglandin, the success rate was 84.6%. Six patients underwent salp
ingotomy because of rising beta-hCG levels following treatment. The ou
tcome was not related to the postoperative treatment with prostaglandi
n E2. None of the treated patients displayed any adverse reactions fol
lowing prostaglandin F2alpha application. Postoperative hysterosalping
ography was performed on six successfully treated patients, demonstrat
ing bilaterally patent fallopian tubes in all of them. Prostaglandin t
herapy in tubal pregnancy has been proven effective in selected cases.