Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) deficiency plays an importa
nt biochemical role in the metabolism of the lens. Controversies exist
in the literature on the possible association between G-6-PD deficien
cy and the development of cataracts. The authors present ten patients,
aged between infancy and 40 years of age, who were admitted for bilat
eral congenital or presenile cataracts. These patients had no ocular o
r systemic disease which might have caused their cataract. The only sy
stemic finding they had was G-6-PD deficiency. Two other patients amon
g the families described suffered from bilateral congenital or preseni
le cataracts with no G-6-PD deficiency. This deficiency state does not
appear to play a role in the production of their cataracts.