Measurements of the diffusive uptake rate of six volatile organic comp
ounds (VOCs) by Perkin Elmer type adsorbent tubes packed with Tenax us
ing an exposure period of 4 weeks is described. Environmental chambers
are applied to generate appropriate standard atmospheres containing t
he VOCs of interest to which the diffusive samplers are exposed. The d
iffusive uptake rates derived show good agreement between tests and ar
e in accordance with results of field trials in non-industrial indoor
air previously reported. Compounds of higher volatility, such as benze
ne have a considerably lower diffusive uptake rate than compounds such
as undecane and 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene. The diffusive samplers are us
ed to measure the concentration of six VOCs in the living room and mai
n bedroom in 100 homes using a 4 week exposure period. Outdoor concent
rations are also recorded at 10 locations. Indoor concentrations excee
d those outdoors and are similar to those reported in four other major