The Kap Edvard Holm Layered Gabbro Complex is a large layered gabbro i
ntrusion (> 300 km2) situated on the opposite side of the Kangerdlugss
uaq fjord from the Skaergaard Intrusion. It was emplaced in a continen
tal margin ophiolite setting during early Tertiary rifting of the Nort
h Atlantic. Gabbroic cumulates, covering a total stratigraphic thickne
ss of > 5 km, have a typical four-phase tholeiitic cumulus mineralogy:
plagioclase, clinopyroxene, +/-olivine, and +/-Fe-Ti oxides. The cryp
tic variation is restricted (plagioclase An81-51, olivine Fo85-66, cli
nopyroxene Wo43-41 En46-37 Fs20-11) and there are several reversals in
mineral chemistry. Crystallization took place in a low-pressure, cont
inuously fractionating magma chamber system which was periodically rep
lenished and tapped. Fine-grained (0.2-0.4 mm) equigranular, thin (0.5
-3 m), laterally continuous basaltic zones occur within an approximate
ly 1000 m thick layered sequence in the Taco Point area. Twelve such z
ones define the bases of individual macrorhythmic units with an averag
e thickness of approximately 80 m. The fine-grained basaltic zones gra
de upwards, over a few metres, into medium-grained (> 1 mm) poikilitic
, olivine gabbro with small-scale modal layering. Each fine-grained ba
saltic zone is interpreted as an intraplutonic quench zone in which ma
gma chilled against the underlying layered gabbros during influx along
the chamber floor. Supercooling by approximately 50-degrees-C is beli
eved to have caused nucleation of plagioclase, olivine, and clinopyrox
ene in the quench zone. The nucleation rate is believed to have been e
nhanced as the result of in situ crystallization in a continuously flo
wing magma. The transition to the overlying poikilitic olivine gabbro
reflects a decreasing degree of supercooling. Compositional variation
in the Taco Point sequence is typical for an open magma chamber system
: olivine (Fo77-68.5) and plagioclase cores (An80-72) show a zig-zag c
ryptic variation pattern with no overall systematic trend. Olivine has
the most primitive compositions in the quench zones and more evolved
compositions in the olivine gabbro; plagioclase cores show the opposit
e trend. Although plagioclase cores are believed to retain their origi
nal compositions, olivines re-equilibrated by reaction with trapped li
quid. Some plagioclase cores contain relatively sodic patches which re
tain quench compositions. Whole-rock compositions of nine different qu
ench zones vary over a range from 10 to 18% MgO although the mg-number
remains constant at approximately 0.78. The average composition (47.7
% SiO2, 13.3%MgO, 1.57% Na2O+K2O) is taken as a best estimate of the p
arental magma composition, and is equivalent to a high-magnesian olivi
ne tholeiite. The compositional variation of the quench zones is belie
ved to reflect bursts of nucleation and growth of olivine and plagiocl
ase during quenching. Magma emplacement is believed to have taken plac
e by separate tranquil influxes which flowed along the interface betwe
en a largely consolidated cumulus pile and the residual magma. The res
ident magma was elevated with little or no mixing. At certain levels i
n the layered sequence the magma drained back into the feeder system;
such a mechanism is referred to as a surge-type magma chamber system.