1. The segmental locomotor network in lamprey can generate the rhythmi
c burst pattern underlying locomotion when it is driven via synaptic g
lutamate receptors. Lower rates of activity can be evoked by activatio
n of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, whereas a rapid activity c
an only be induced by non-NMDA receptors lpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl
-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)]. The reticulospinal and sensory inp
uts are known to act via both NMDA and non-NMDA receptors, but it is u
nclear how these inputs can provide an appropriate control of the loco
motor rate. We have examined the effects of different types of excitat
ory synaptic input to neurons of the locomotor network with the use of
a computer-simulated electrical neuron model, with Na+, K+, Ca2+-depe
ndent K+ channels, and with inherent oscillatory properties linked to
the NMDA conductance. Synapses were modeled as a modulated ionic condu
ctance in the membrane of the postsynaptic cell comprising a voltage-d
ependent NMDA component (Na+, K+, Ca2+ conductances) of long duration,
and/or a non-NMDA component (Na+, K+ conductance) of short duration.
2. By using two neurons to drive a postsynaptic cell with non-NMDA-typ
e synapses, a continuous range of firing frequencies could be evoked i
n the postsynaptic cell, by altering the firing rate of the presynapti
c cells. If a single presynaptic neuron was used, there was a tendency
toward spike synchronization between the pre- and postsynaptic cells.
3. When a postsynaptic neuron was driven via NMDA synapses, an oscill
atory burst activity could be evoked. The rate of the oscillations was
, however, little affected by the presynaptic firing rate. When a driv
e neuron with mixed (NMDA and non-NMDA) synapses was used, the rate of
the oscillations could be changed within a limited frequency range by
altering the presynaptic firing rate. By adding another larger drive
neuron, having a larger rheo-base current and mixed synapses with smal
ler relative NMDA components, the frequency range of the postsynaptic
oscillations could be markedly increased. The frequency range depended
on the parameters selected for each of the two types of mixed synapse
s. 4. A small rhythm-generating neuronal network, comprising six cells
connected as the principal interneurons of the lamprey spinal locomot
or network, was used to test the role of a tonic NMDA and non-NMDA rec
eptor activation to drive the network and produce bursting. Although N
MDA activation could only produce relatively slow bursting and non-NMD
A activation mainly produced rapid bursting, a continuous range of bur
st rates could be obtained by altering the relative balance between th
e two types of conductance. However, higher rates of network bursting
could not be produced if the strength of the inhibitory network synaps
es was set too high. 5. When the network was driven by mixed synapses,
a similar relation between conductance type and burst rate was observ
ed. Adding ascending synaptic feedback from the locomotor network to t
he drive neurons caused a rhythmic modulation of the latter and stabil
ized the locomotor pattern. The stabilizing effect of such a feedback
circuit was evident only when the synapses driving the' network did no
t contain large NMDA components. 6. A movement-related feedback of the
locomotor network was simulated by connecting phasically active ''mec
hanosensitive'' inhibitory and excitatory neurons to the network inter
neurons. When the excitatory synapses utilized non-NMDA conductances,
the resting network bursting could be effectively entrained both towar
d higher and lower burst rates. If NMDA synapses were used instead, th
e entrainment became less effective. 7. The simulation results suggest
that the synaptic control systems for locomotion modulates the segmen
tal locomotor network both by providing patterned input signals and by
controlling the balance between the NMDA and the kainate/AMPA recepto
r-mediated synaptic input. The latter appear more efficient in providi
ng a direct phasic control of the burst pattern, whereas NMDA synapses
mainly appear to act by stabilizing the rhythmic motor output, but it
also limits the frequency range. A selective control of NMDA versus n
on-NMDA conductances thus appears to be necessary in the living animal
. This can be achieved by a selective recruitment of input neurons act
ing at different postsynaptic conductance types, and/or by a different
iated short-term plasticity, which for instance may cause a depression
of synapses with large NMDA conductances when the presynaptic neuron
fires at high rates.