1. Spinocerebellar neurons that project in the dorsal spinocerebellar
tract (DSCT) receive mono- and polysynaptic inputs from specific senso
ry receptors in the hindlimb, and they project mossy fiber terminals t
o the cerebellar vermis. We examined the functional organization of th
ese neurons and found that it relates to whole-limb parameters like li
mb posture and direction of limb movement. 2. We recorded the activity
of 444 DSCT units during passive perturbations of the hind foot in an
esthetized cats. The movements were either confined a single joint (th
e ankle; 234 cells) or involved the entire hindlimb (210 cells). The c
ells exhibited opposite responses for opposite directions of whole-lim
b movement, but a variety of response patterns for opposite directions
of movement at one joint. We interpret the result to imply that the p
opulation encodes information about the whole limb rather than single
joints. 3. Most of the 78 neurons recorded during passive limb placeme
nts (63%) responded to changes in limb length and also changes in limb
orientation. In fact, the activity of most of the cells was broadly t
uned with respect to the direction of passive limb movements generated
by moving the hind foot in the sagittal plane. Changes in unit activi
ty could be described by a cosine tuning function with respect to foot
positions (72% of responses) and directions of foot movement (50%). 4
. The similarity of this behavior to that of neurons in the motor cort
ex and cerebellar nuclei recorded during voluntary movements is consis
tent with a common neural code to represent the sensorimotor parameter
s of limb movement.