Housing linkage fee programs require developers of commercial office b
uildings to either provide low-income and moderate-income housing or p
ay an in-lieu fee to local municipalities to provide such housing. The
writer evaluates a proposal by the city of Los Angeles to adopt such
a program, similar to those currently found in San Francisco, Santa Mo
nica, Calif., Boston, and other jurisdictions. Root causes of the affo
rdable housing shortage in Southern California are examined. The benef
its of housing linkage programs are examined in relation to whether or
not the costs incurred by the development industry justify the assess
ments. The greater public-policy question of which segment of society
should bear the burden of providing affordable housing is debated. Pro
blematic issues surrounding implementation are considered, focusing pa
rticularly on those aspects that most impact the development industry.
Modifications to the city's proposal and suggested alternative policy
options are advanced.