As technology advances and our dependency on software increases, the r
equirement to develop the correct means to improve quality in both the
deveiopment phase and the maintenance phase of software life cycle su
pport becomes increasingly significant. The focus of this paper is on
the dilemma facing software engineering in maintaining quality within
the constraints of the maintenance phase. The paper further proposes t
hat the software maintenance process can also be analvzed and improved
using statistical process control (SPC) techniques. The methods discu
ssed in this paper have been proposed for use in the Software Maintena
nce project at NUWC Detachment Norfolk. Upon successful testing at NUW
C Detachment Norfolk, they will be forwarded to the AN/SQQ-89(V) (inte
ragencv) Software Quality Evaluation Committee for use by other agenci
es which are developing and maintaining AN/SQQ-89(V) software.