Anorectal manometry has gained wide acceptance as a helpful method to
objectively assess the apparatus of defecation provided by the anorect
al sphincter. The standard manometric evaluation enables measurement o
f resting and squeeze pressures, as well as of the length of the funct
ional anal canal (high pressure zone [HPZ]). More detailed assessment
of radial and longitudinal pressure profiles can also be generated fro
m vector volume and vector symmetry index assessment. Adjuvant techniq
ues using an intrarectal balloon allow assessment of the rectoanal inh
ibitory reflex (RAIR), rectal sensitivity, capacity, and compliance. A
lthough anorectal manometry can be used as a diagnostic test in diseas
es such as Hirschsprung's disease, more often it is used to assess com
mon disorders such as chronic idiopathic constipation and fecal incont
inence. Anorectal manometry has also been considered as a preoperative
evaluation in patients having abdominal and anorectal procedures duri
ng which the state of continence can be jeopardized.