This paper presents dynamic load-sharing heuristics which are novel in
that they use predicted resource requirements of processes to manage
workload in a distributed system. A previously developed statistical p
attern-recognition method is employed for resource prediction. While n
onprediction based heuristics depend on rapidly changing system status
(e.g., load levels), the new heuristics depend on slowly changing pro
gram resource usage patterns. Furthermore prediction-based heuristics
can be more effective since they use ''future'' requirements rather th
an just current system state. Four prediction-based heuristics, two ce
ntralized and two distributed, are presented here. Using trace driven
simulations, they are compared against random scheduling and two effec
tive nonprediction based heuristics. Results show that the prediction-
based, centralized heuristics achieve up to 30% better response time t
han the nonprediction, centralized heuristic, and that the prediction-
based, distributed heuristics achieve even better (up to 50%) improvem
ent relative to their nonprediction counterpart.