The present study was undertaken to compare four different imaging app
roaches to evaluate uptake defect Tl-201 reversibility. 24 infarcted p
atients underwent standard stress/redistribution Tl-201 imaging (R1).
Then, after reinjection of 37 MBq of Tl-204, patients were re-imaged e
ither after 15 min (R2) 24 h later (R3). A separate rest study (R4) fo
llowing a new tracer injection was done within 2-3 days. Planar images
were obtained in the standard three views and subdivided into 216 seg
ments for qualitative analysis based on a visual score. A semiquantita
tive analysis based upon circumferential profiles was also applied. A
stress defect was found in 127 segments (58.7%). By visual inspection
reperfusion was considered to occur in 32.3%, 41.7%, 33.0% and 49.6% o
f the cases with R1, R2, R3, and R4, respectively. The semiquantitativ
e method showed a high reperfusion only with R1 (62%), while the other
procedures proved less effective. No improvement was found with R4. S
ix patients (25%) showed myocardial viability that was not detected wi
th the early reinjection technique.