Different combinations of chromosome N- or C-banding with in situ hybr
idization (ISH) or genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) were sequentia
lly performed on metaphase chromosomes of wheat. A modified N-banding-
ISH/GISH sequential procedure gave best results. Similarly, a modified
C-banding - ISH/GISH procedure also gave satisfactory results. The va
riation of the hot acid treatment in the standard chromosome N- or C-b
anding procedures was the major factor affecting the resolution of the
subsequent ISH and GISH. By the sequential chromosome banding - ISH/G
ISH analysis, multicopy DNA sequences and the breakpoints of wheat-ali
en translocations were directly allocated to specific chromosomes of w
heat. The sequential chromosome banding- ISH/GISH technique should be
widely applicable in genome mapping, especially in cytogenetic and mol
ecular mapping of heterochromatic and euchromatic regions of plant and
animal chromosomes.