The linear and finite-amplitude dissipative dynamics of unstable, zona
lly localized baroclinic disturbances is investigated in cases where t
he supercriticality varies in the zonal direction. The zonal confineme
nt occurs due to O(1) variations of the frictional influence on the cu
rrent's instability. A two-layer f-plane model is used. No meridional
shear is present in the basic shear flow. When the basic current is eq
ual and opposite in the two layers, two zonally localized modes with t
he same growth rate and opposite symmetries exist for all unstable par
ameter values. Thus, an infinite family of unstable modes formed from
an arbitrary linear combination of these two modes exists, This degene
racy persists in finite amplitude. Hence, the phase of individual cres
ts in the disturbance is a function of initial conditions even for dis
sipative localized instabilities. The presence of a mean barotropic fl
ow reduces the growth rates of the localized disturbances and expunges
the symmetry properties of the mode and the resulting degeneracy. The
disturbance becomes time dependent due to phase translation of crests
. Localized modes exist even when the flow in both layers is in the sa
me direction. In finite amplitude there is a weak vacillation in energ
y level. A discussion of the appropriate boundary condition for the lo
calized modes suggests that the total geostrophic perturbation streamf
unction should vanish on the flow boundaries.