Geologic studies indicate that prior to approximately 40 Ma the Drake
Passage was closed and the Central American Isthmus was open. The effe
ct of these changes has been examined in an ocean general circulation
model. Several sensitivity experiments were conducted, all with atmosp
heric forcing and other boundary conditions from the present climate,
but with different combinations of closed and open gateways. In the fi
rst experiment, the only change involved closure of the Drake Passage.
In agreement with earlier studies the barrier modified the geostrophi
c balance that now maintains the circumpolar flow in the southern ocea
n, with the net effect being decreased transport of the Antarctic Curr
ent and an approximate fourfold increase in outflow of Antarctic deep-
bottom waters. The very large increase in Antarctic outflow suppresses
North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) formation. In addition to corroborat
ion of results from earlier studies, our simulations provide several n
ew insights into the role of a closed Drake Passage. A more geological
ly realistic closed Drake/open central American isthmus experiment pro
duces essentially the same pattern of deepwater circulation from the f
irst experiment, except that Antarctic outflow is about 20% less than
the first experiment. The resultant unipolar deepwater circulation. pa
ttern for the second experiment is consistent with paleoceanographic o
bservations from the early Cenozoic. A third experiment involved an op
en Drake and open central American isthmus. In this experiment, Antarc
tic outflow is diminished to slightly above present levels but NADW pr
oduction is still low due to free exchange of low-salinity surface wat
er between the North Pacific and North Atlantic. The low level of ther
mohaline overturn should have reduced oceanic productivity in the Olig
ocene (approximately 30 Ma), a result in agreement with geologic obser
vations. Finally, simulations with an energy balance model demonstrate
that the changes in surface heat flux south of 60-degrees-S due to br
eaching of the Drake barrier do not result in temperature changes larg
e enough to have triggered Antarctic glaciation. This last result sugg
ests that some other factor (CO2?) may be required for Antarctic ice s
heet expansion in the Oligocene (approximately 30-34 Ma). Our results
lend further support to the concept that even in the absence of changi
ng boundary conditions due to ice sheet growth, variations in the geom
etry of the ocean basins can significantly influence ocean circulation
patterns and the sediment record. The results also suggest that the p
rimary polarities of the Cenozoic deepwater circulation may have been
controlled by opening and closing of these two gateways.