Dl. Rankins et al., CHARACTERIZATION OF TOXICOSIS IN SHEEP DOSED WITH BLOSSOMS OF SACAHUISTE (NOLINA-MICROCARPA), Journal of animal science, 71(9), 1993, pp. 2489-2498
To characterize more fully sacahuiste (Nolina microcarpa Watson) toxic
osis in sheep and to evaluate benefits of supplemental Zn, sheep were
dosed intraruminally with sacahuiste blossoms. In Trial 1, eight fine-
wool sheep (47 +/- 2 kg BW) were fed alfalfa hay at 1% of BW daily and
dosed intraruminally with inflorescences amounting to 1% of BW daily,
in three portions per day, for 10 d. Four sheep were dosed intrarumin
ally with aqueous ZnSO4 (30 mg of Zn/kg BW) daily for 3 d before initi
al sacahuiste dosing and on alternate days thereafter, and four sheep
were untreated with Zn. Toxicosis was evident within 24 h after initia
l sacahuiste dosage, involving inappetence, depression, hypokalemia, h
ypophosphatemia, hyperbilirubinemia, and elevated serum enzymes (alkal
ine phosphatase, creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, aspartate ami
notransferase, and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase). One sheep (untreate
d with Zn) died on d 3. Aqueous ZnSO4 alleviated inappetence and suppr
essed elevation of serum urea N and creatinine but did not suppress ot
her changes in serum clinical profiles. In Trial 2, sacahuiste inflore
scenses were ruminally dosed into 12 fine-wool wethers (29 +/- 2 kg BW
) in amounts equalling 0, .25, .50, and .75% of BW per day, and choppe
d alfalfa hay was provided at 1.75% of BW per day for 14 d. Sacahuiste
inflorescenses dosed at .75% of BW elicited severe toxicosis within 2
4 h, and dosage at .50 or .25% of BW per day increased (P = .12) serum
bilirubin. Ruminal fluid pH, mean particle retention time, and partic
ulate passage rate were not affected (P > .10) by sacahuiste, but rumi
nal fluid passage rate increased 1.6-fold ( P < .10) and ruminal fluid
volume decreased by 60% (P < .10) in sheep given inflorescenses amoun
ting to .50% of BW daily. Sacahuiste inflorescenses dosed intraruminal
ly at .75% of BW per day elicited ruminal impaction with severe hepato
toxicosis, and dosages amounting to .50% or .25% of BW per day caused
similar trends.