Larvae of Osmoderma eremicola (Knoch)(Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) were f
ound to be freeze tolerant. Early (1-2.5 cm) and late (3-5 cm) larval
stages survived freezing to -8.3-degrees-C for 96 h with 64% of body w
ater as ice. Glycogen phosphorylase activity in the fat body was incre
ased 6-7-fold during freezing, and glycogen stores were depleted in fa
t body (from 237 +/- 1 to 57 +/- 7 mumol/g fresh weight) and body wall
(89 +/- 4 to 40 +/- 1 mumol/g fresh weight). However, no glycogen der
ived cryoprotectants (glycerol, sorbitol, glucose, fructose) were foun
d to accumulate in tissues or haemolymph during freezing or acclimatio
n at 9, 0 and -5-degrees-C. Osmolality (approximately 450 mOsmol) of h
aemolymph was constant during freezing and acclimation from 9 to -5-de
grees-C, also suggesting the absence of low molecular weight cryoprote
ctants. Haemolymph trehalose levels never rose above 2.7 mM as detecte
d by NMR. Total protein levels in fat body and body wall remained unch
anged during acclimation. HPLC analysis showed increases in amino acid
levels by 10-15 mumol/g fresh weight in the body wall of both early a
nd late instar larvae during freezing to -8.3-degrees-C for 96 h, with
consistent increases in glycine (7.4-8.7 mumol/g fresh weight), alani
ne (4.2-5.8 mumol/g fresh weight), glutamate (2.4 mumol/g fresh weight
), and valine (0.8-1.6 mumol/g fresh weight). Smaller increases in glu
tamic acid (by 1 mumol/g fresh weight) and alanine (by 3.5 mumol/g fre
sh weight) were also seen in late instar fat body, whereas glycine lev
els remained unchanged and valine decreased slightly (by 1.4 mumol/g f
resh weight) in this tissue. Proline levels, detected by NMR, ranged f
rom 10 to 18 mumol/g fresh weight in fat body and 40-70 mumol/g fresh
weight in haemolymph, making it the most abundant amino acid in fat bo