Six isozymes of protein kinase C were analysed in the rat cerebellum u
sing immunohistochemistry. The results revealed a non-uniform distribu
tion of protein kinase C delta among Purkinje, basket, and stellate ce
lls. Serial-section mapping of the delta immunoreactivity revealed tha
t (i) the number and intensity of labeled Purkinje cells increased fro
m rostral to caudal while labeled basket-stellate cells decreased caud
ally; (ii) the majority of Purkinje cells were labeled in the nodulus,
flocculus, and paraflocculus while the anterior lobules were mostly n
egative; and (iii) labeled Purkinje cells formed distinct parasagittal
bands in lobules 6-9 of the paravermis and vermis. The banding of pro
tein kinase C delta within subsets of Purkinje cells suggests units of
cerebellar circuitry with specific signaling properties through prote
in phosphorylation. The visual-vestibular regions of the cerebellum co
ntained the highest amount of the isozyme.