Increasing environmental pressure and lower tin prices have forced som
e tin smelters out of business and those that remain in operation in g
eneral rely upon receipt of high grade tin concentrates in order to sa
tisfy environmental and/or economic constraints. Carnon management hav
e successfully kept one step ahead of these changes by continually str
iving to produce cleaner tin concentrates. Over a period of some 12 ye
ars the fine cassiterite concentrate grade has increased from 5% to 60
% Sn without which the company would not have been able to continue ma
rketing it's product. This paper briefly describes the evolution of th
e tin flotation circuit at the Wheal Jane mill with particular referen
ce to improvements in concentrate grade and details the metallurgical
improvements by replacing column flotation with a Mozley Multi Gravity
Separator, as the final stage of cleaning.