Pr. Jensen et al., CONTROL ANALYSIS OF THE DEPENDENCE OF ESCHERICHIA-COLI PHYSIOLOGY ON THE H-ATPASE(), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United Statesof America, 90(17), 1993, pp. 8068-8072
The H+-ATPase plays a central role in Escherichia coli free-energy tra
nsduction and hence in E. coli physiology. We here investigate the ext
ent to which this enzyme also controls the growth rate, growth yield,
and respiratory rate of E. coli. We modulate the expression of the atp
operon and determine the effect on said properties. When quantified i
n terms of control coefficients, we find that, in the wild-type cell g
rowing on glucose in minimal medium, this key enzyme (H+-ATPase) exert
s virtually no control on growth rate (Absolute value of C < 0.01), a
minor positive control on growth yield (C = 0.15), and a small but neg
ative control on respiration rate (C = -0.25). The control the enzyme
exerts on the consumption rate of the carbon and free-energy substrate
is negative (C = -0.15). We also studied how the control coefficients
themselves vary with the expression of the atp operon. As the level o
f expression of the atp operon was reduced, the control exerted by the
H+-ATPase on growth rate and growth yield increased slightly; the con
trol on growth rate passed through a maximum (C = 0.1) and disappeared
when the atp operon was not expressed at all, reflecting that with th
is substrate there are alternative routes for ATP synthesis. At elevat
ed levels of the H+-ATPase compared to the wild type, the control exer
ted by the enzyme on growth rate became negative. The evolutionary con
text of the absence of control by the atp operon on growth rate is dis