Both field observations and enclosure experiments show that juvenile c
opepods enter Daphnia brood cavities to feed on Daphnia eggs and embry
os. The ability to perform such in vivo exploitation is reported for b
oth cyclopoid and calanoid copepods. Copepodites of Acanthocyclops rob
ustus (G.O. Sars) were found to eat eggs in brood cavities of D. magna
, D. pulex and D. pulicaria in experimental enclosures rich in algae.
Copepodites of Eudiaptomus gracilus (G.O. Sars) were found in brood ca
vities of D. hyalina in a mesotrophic lake. The copepods' intrusions i
nto brood cavities caused dramatic declines in the clutch size of infe
sted Daphnia, and this predation effect could easily be confused with
the effect of severe food limitation.