In an earlier study we found that the rotation of coronal holes could
be understood on the basis of a nearly current-free coronal field, wit
h the holes representing open magnetic regions. In this paper we illus
trate the model by focusing on the case of CHI, the rigidly rotating,
boot-shaped hole observed by Skylab. We show that the interaction betw
een the (axisymmetric) polar fields and the (nonaxisymmetric) flux ass
ociated with active regions produces distortions in the coronal field
configuration and thus in the polar-hole boundaries; these distortions
corotate with the perturbing nonaxisymmetric flux. In the case of CHI
, positive-polarity field lines in the northern hemisphere ''collided'
' with like-polarity field lines fanning out from a decaying active-re
gion complex located just below the equator, producing a midlatitude c
orridor of open field lines rotating at the rate of the active region
complex. Sheared coronal holes result when nonaxisymmetric flux is pre
sent at high latitudes, or equivalently, when the photospheric neutral
line extends to high latitudes. We demonstrate how a small active reg
ion, rotating at the local photospheric rate, can drift through a rigi
dly rotating hole like CHI. Finally, we discuss the role of field-line
reconnection in maintaining a quasi-potential coronal configuration.