Coronal computed tomography (CT) scans are currently the optimal study
to display the normal and abnormal anatomy in children with chronic a
nd recurrent acute sinusitis after failure of medical therapy. To asse
ss the extent and distribution of disease as well as associated anatom
ic abnormalities in this pediatric population, 74 coronal CT scans of
children with continued symptoms of sinusitis after failure of extensi
ve medical therapy were reviewed retrospectively. Twelve children with
cystic fibrosis showed the characteristic features of medial displace
ment of the lateral nasal wall in the middle meatus and uncinate proce
ss demineralization, creating the appearance of a maxillary sinus muco
cele. Nine of these 12 children had increased attenuation in the maxil
lary sinus on soft-tissue windows. In the remaining 62 children, a sig
nificantly greater frequency of disease, when compared with that repor
ted for adults, was seen in the maxillary, anterior ethmoid, posterior
ethmoid, and frontal sinuses. Children with asthma (n = 33) had more
extensive disease. Bony anatomic abnormalities were similar to those r
eported for adults, except for a lower incidence of septal deformity.