In the course of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe cDNA project, we succee
ded in cloning all the genes encoding translation elongation factors E
F-1 alpha EF-1 beta, EF-1 gamma, EF-2 and EF-3. With the exception of
the EF-1 gamma gene, the nucleotide (nt) sequence of S. pombe elongati
on factors has not been previously reported. For EF-1 alpha, we found
three genes whose amino acid (aa) sequences are quite homologous each
other (99.5%), but whose 3' untranslated regions (UTRs) are completely
different. Southern blot indicated that those three EF-1 alpha genes
are located at different loci. Northern analysis indicated that one of
three EF-IV. genes was inducible with UV-irradiation, while the level
of expression for another of three EF-1 alpha genes was repressed by
UV and heat-shock (HS) treatments. The aa sequence predicted from the
nt sequence of the S. pombe EF-1 beta cDNA clone covered almost all th
e coding sequence (CDS) of EF-1 beta except the first methionine which
has 55.4% identity with that of S. cerevisiae. We also identified two
copies of S. pombe EF-2 genes. Their aa sequences deduced from nt seq
uences are identical (100%), but they have different 3' UTRs. The loca
tion of these two EF-2 genes in different loci was proved by Southern
analysis. The S. pombe EF-3 cDNA clone encoded only a third of the CDS
from the C-terminal and its deduced aa sequence has a 76% identity wi
th those of other yeasts and fungi.