Analysis of host-oriented behavior of tsetse flies, Glossina morsitans
morsitans Westw. and G. pallidipes Austen, led to a 10- to 1,000-fold
improvement in the cost effectiveness of baits for surveys and contro
l. Baits now are used widely to replace air and ground broadcasting of
insecticides. Principles of behavioral analysis are discussed, with e
mphasis on the need to: confirm that the measurements made are the mea
surements required; assess the probability of flies executing single s
pecific actions in response to each component of the overall stimulus
from baits; count not only the flies that do one thing, but also the n
umber that do the alternative(s); and use objective sampling devices o
f measured efficiency. The relevance to research with other flies is c
onsidered. The need for new tools to study continuously the field beha
vior of individual flies is stressed.