Ld. Yates et al., FILAMENT OVERLAP AFFECTS TNC EXTRACTION FROM SKINNED MUSCLE-FIBERS, Journal of muscle research and cell motility, 14(4), 1993, pp. 392-400
Recent studies on calcium regulation of muscle contraction selectively
extract troponin C (TnC) from skinned skeletal muscle fibres with a l
ow ionic strength rigor solution containing a Ca2+/Mg2+ chelator. As p
revious results from this laboratory and others demonstrate a crossbri
dge effect, especially rigor, on many of the properties of TnC, the ef
fects of filament overlap on TnC extraction from skinned rabbit psoas
muscle fibres were investigated. Tension-pCa relationships at a sarcom
ere length of 2.7 mum were determined before and after a 5 min TnC ext
raction at sarcomere lengths of 2.3, 2.5, 2.7, 3.1, 3.3 or 3.5 mum wit
h 20 mm Tris, pH 7.8, 5 mm EDTA. The decrease in the post-extraction m
aximum Ca2+ activated tension, an indicator of the amount of TnC extra
cted, was linearly related to the overlap of the thick and thin filame
nts with decreases in tension being associated with a decrease in fila
ment overlap. The smaller fibre diameter at the longer sarcomere lengt
h could facilitate diffusion of TnC from fibre segments. However, the
wide range of measured diameters, 40-120 mum, accounted for only 14% o
f the observed tension decrement and shrinking the fibre with polyviny
lpyrrolidone did not increase the tension decrement. Increasing the sa
rcomere length before extraction was also found to decrease the TnC co
ntent of fibre segments along with the post-extraction maximum tension
. Thus, TnC appears to be preferentially extracted from non-overlap th
an overlap regions of the sarcomere. These results further indicate th
at rigor crossbridges affect TnC other than through increased Ca2+ bin
ding and that under the conditions used here, they retard its extracti