Species differences have been observed in the relationship between lea
f area efficiency (E) and leaf area (LA) of individual trees within st
ands. In some species, for example, E decreases with greater LA, sugge
sting that the smallest trees in the stand are the most efficient. In
other species E increases with greater LA, at least across a portion o
f the range of individual tree LA found in a stand. Rather than being
distinct physiological behaviors, we propose a single model to explain
these observed differences in E-LA relationships. Leaf area efficienc
y is affected by two countervailing factors. As tree size, relative to
neighboring trees, increases with greater LA, E tends to increase, as
a result of a generally improved canopy position, and presumably a mo
re favorable light environment. However, carbon allocation patterns wi
thin the tree also change with tree size; increased carbon requirement
s for crown construction and maintenance, as well as root system devel
opment and stemwood respiration, result in less fixed carbon available
for stem growth and, therefore, lower E. We examined two species with
reported differences in E-LA relationships. In Pinus contorta stands,
E decreases with increasing LA, whereas, in Abies lasiocarpa stands,
E increases with LA up to some intermediate level of LA, and then decl
ines with further increases in LA. Pinus contorta stands are character
ized by limited canopy stratification, lower leaf area index, and lowe
r canopy coverage, resulting in few trees found in poor light conditio
ns. Decreases in E with greater LA are presumably associated with chan
ging carbon allocation patterns, primarily greater respiratory require
ments per unit of leaf area. Abies lasiocarpa stands have greater cano
py stratification, higher leaf area index, and greater canopy coverage
, and this results in relatively small trees situated in poor light en
vironments. Increases in E with greater LA are associated with improve
d canopy position, and continue as long as height also increases. A ge
neral model is presented that explains production-leaf area relationsh
ips in forest-grown trees based on changes in relative tree size and c
anopy structural characteristics.