Use of fallout Cs-137 for measuring soil erosion rates requires an acc
urate estimate of the mean areal activity of Cs-137 of an uneroded ref
erence site. To study the short-range variability of Cs-137 in a fores
t soil, 16 profiles were sampled in a small area (8 x 8 m). Variabilit
y was relatively low (CV = 16%), so that the mean areal activity (3163
Bq m-2) at this reference site was estimated with a relatively low al
lowable error (< 10%) at relatiVely high confidence level (95 %). To o
btain a satisfactory estimate of the mean areal activity of Cs-137 of
reference sites, particularly those located in forest areas, it is sug
gested to collect at least five subsamples, 1-10 m apart and composite
them into a single sample for analysis.