Proton magnetic resonance spectra of Zr0.5CuyNi0.5-yH1 metallic glass
samples with 0 less-than-or-equal-to y less-than-or-equal-to 0.3 were
measured in the temperature range 77 K to 400 K and at 8, 28-5, 87.6 a
nd 88.5 MHz frequencies. The data of the free-induction decay (FID) si
gnal were compiled and Fourier transformed by a SMIS NMR spectrometer.
The temperature dependence of the line shapes shows three distinctly
different features: (i) in the temperature range 400 K to 270 K the sp
ectrum is a motionally narrowed Lorentzian line; (ii) in the temperatu
re range 270 K to 140 K the spectrum consists of a narrow Lorentzian c
omponent and a substantially wider Gaussian one; (iii) in the temperat
ure range 140 K to 77 K, the spectrum is a ''two-peaked'' line. The di
stance between the two peaks (splitting) was found to be independent o
f the temperature and the frequency, that means that the low-temperatu
re spectrum is probably the Pake doublet of hydrogen pairs. From the a
nalysis of the splitting of the Pake doublet, a proton-proton distance
of 0.167 nm was estimated. This distance corresponds to a transition
metal mediated hydrogen pairing.