Tritium and He isotopes have been measured at a site where groundwater
flow is nearly vertical for a travel time of 100 years and where rech
arge rates are spatially variable. Because the mid-1960s H-3 peak (ari
sing from aboveground testing of thermonuclear devices) is well-define
d, the vertical groundwater velocity is known with unusual accuracy at
this site. Utilizing H-3 and its stable daughter He-3 to determine gr
oundwater ages, we compute a recharge rate of 0.16 m/yr, which agrees
to within about 5% of the value based on the depth of the H-3 peak (me
asured both in 1986 and 1991) and two-dimensional modeling in an area
of high recharge. Zero H-3/He-3 age occurs at a depth that is approxim
ately equal to the average depth of the annual low water table, even t
hough the capillary fringe extends to land surface during most of the
year at the study site. In an area of low recharge (0.05 m/yr) where t
he H-3 peak (and hence the vertical velocity) is also well-defined, th
e H-3/He-3 results could not be used to compute recharge because sampl
es were not collected sufficiently far above the 3H peak; however, mod
eling indicates that the H-3/He-3 age gradient near the water table is
an accurate measure of vertical velocities in the low-recharge area.
Because H-3 and He-3 have different diffusion coefficients, and becaus
e the amount of mechanical mixing is different in the area of high rec
harge than in the low-recharge area, we have separated the dispersive
effects of mechanical mixing from molecular diffusion. We estimate a l
ongitudinal dispersivity of 0.07 m and effective diffusion coefficient
s for H-3 ((HHO)-H-3)) and He-3 of 2.4 x 10(-5) and 1.3 x 10(-4) m/day
, respectively. Although the 3H/3He age gradient is an excellent indic
ator of vertical groundwater velocities above the mid-1960s 3H peak, d
ispersive mixing and diffusive loss of He-3 perturb the age gradient n
ear and below the H-3 peak.