Mechanistic models of nutrient uptake consider diffusion and mass flow
acting simultaneously to supply nutrients to the sorbing root surface
. Plant parameters that determine nutrient uptake include those descri
bing changes in root geometry and size due to root growth and others d
escribing kinetics of the nutrient uptake process. Mechanistic models
generally assume that nutrient uptake occurs evenly along the roots th
at are uniformly distributed in homogeneous and isotropic soil having
no temporal and spatial gradients in volumetric moisture content. Upta
ke of immobile nutrients (like P and K) is mainly determined by the so
il-supply parameters and is well predicted by the simulation models. I
n contrast, uptake of mobile nutrients (e.g. Ca and Mg) that usually a
ccumulate at the root surface is determined mainly by the plant-uptake
parameters; prediction of uptake of those nutrients is subject to a m
uch wider error due to uncertainties of applying kinetic parameters me
asured on hydroponically-grown plants to soil-grown plants. Comparison
of model-predicted and experimentally-observed uptake values should b
e done by calculating the mean squares of deviates instead of performi
ng regression analysis, especially if data that encompass a relatively
wide range in root length are considered. Complementary-ion effects o
ccurring at the soil-root interface raise the need for developing a mu
lti-nutrient uptake model that will simultaneously calculate uptake of
several essential nutrients taking into account interactions among th