The concept of Chaos theory is introduced in simple terms and discusse
d in regard to health and disease. Health is regarded as chaotic, such
a system has innate variability imparting the ability to respond to p
ertubations. In contrast disease is interpreted as a loss of flexibili
ty whereby the physiological system is less able to adapt and respond
to external stimuli. Chaos theory is developed in relation to haematol
ogy whereby the healthy bone marrow is perceived as a chaotic system.
Periodicity demonstrating a disease state is highlighted in such condi
tions as cyclic neutropenia, malignancy and periodic thrombocytopenia.
This review serves as a brief introduction to the relatively new theo
ry of chaos. The in-depth mathematical treatment of chaos is beyond th
e scope of this article, interested parties are directed to the biblio
graphy section for more detailed information.