This concluding paper reviews possible interrelationships between the
economic and political dimensions of contemporary liberalizations in L
atin America and Southern and Eastern-Central Europe. After noting the
absence of certain negative,features (impediments to a liberal econom
ic and political order) the paper proposes a more positive justificati
on, based on the examination of four possible interrelated linking mec
hanisms. Responses to chronic fiscal crisis, the stabilization of popu
lar expectations, the strengthening of ''transparent'' and accountable
institutions, and external forms of reinforcement can all, in princip
le, contribute to the coordinated reinforcement of a more democratized
state and a more liberalized market system (without this implying a s
ingle uniform end-result applicable to all situations). This special i
ssue has focused on some theoretical questions. Whether these possible
linkages operate in practice requires empirical verification.