An important goal in neuroscience is to produce frequency distribution
curves or histograms that relate numbers of cells to their sizes. Unf
ortunately such histograms, which are extremely common, are biased. So
me of the reasons are inadequate attention to sampling paradigms, the
lack of assurance that the section through the center of the cell is m
easured, and that large cells will have more profiles than small cells
. The first goal of this paper is to illustrate these biases for dorsa
l root ganglion cells by showing significant statistical differences b
etween histograms prepared the classic way and histograms produced by
unbiased methods. The differences are particularly dramatic for plasti
c embedded material. The second goal of the paper is to describe an un
biased method for obtaining these histograms. The procedure is 2-fold.
Cells are chosen in an unbiased way (unbiased in this sense means tha
t every cell has an equal chance of being chosen), and then the larges
t profile of the cell is measured. We further suggest that these histo
grams be accompanied by analyses of cell volume, since volumes of cell
s rather than diameters or areas of cell profiles, will be the future
measure of choice when considering the sizes of cells (or any other pa
rticles of biologic interest).