Large amplitude Oscillatory shear (LAOS) is a useful tool for the stud
y of nonlinear viscoelasticity in polymeric liquids. To concisely desc
ribe the response of a material to such a test, it is desirable to mak
e use of a constitutive equation. In this way, the response can be des
cribed in terms of the parameters of the rheological model. We have fo
und a separable BKZ model, e.g., Wagner's equation, to be useful in th
is regard for LDPE IUPAC X. The damping function determined in step sh
ear experiments does not lead to accurate predictions of the LAOS resp
onse. For a given low frequency, however, it is possible to fit the pa
rameters of a simple damping function equation to the LAOS response at
one strain amplitude and to use these parameter values to reliably pr
edict the response at other strain amplitudes. Thus, the Wagner equati
on provides a basis for the concise description of the response of LDP
E IUPAC X to large amplitude oscillatory shear experiments at low freq
uencies. Conversely, it was found that the response of a HDPE melt to
large amplitude oscillatory shear cannot be concisely described by the
Wagner equation.