Proliferating cell nuclear antigen expression, which indicates the pro
portion of cells in the proliferation cycle, was studied in epithelial
nuclei of < 48 hours and > 6 months piezoelectric lithotripsy treated
gallbladders. For control groups we chose those showing acute-on-chro
nic cholecystitis for the < 48 hours cases, and those with chronic cho
lecystitis for the > 6 months cases. Percentage of epithelial nuclear
proliferating cell nuclear antigen expression in the < 48 hours and >
6 months cases was not significantly different from that in their resp
ective control groups. Acute on chronic cholecystitis showed higher pe
rcentage staining than chronic cholecystitis (P < 0.05), but percentag
e staining after recent lithotripsy (< 48 hours) was not significantly
higher than after less recent (> 6 months) lithotripsy. Lithotripsy c
auses no significant long-term increase in gallbladder epithelial cell
proliferation. This is a reassuring finding in view of the known role
of continuing cell proliferation as a promoter in carcinogenesis.